Thank you for requesting a call.
Step one is done. Here’s what’s next.
Find an HFX doctor
Your HFX CoachTM will call you from 1-844-331-1001 and connect you with an HFX doctor in your area.
What if I didn’t provide my number?
Not to worry! You can call 1-844-331-1001 and request a callback.Who is your HFX Coach? Your HFX Coach is available to answer your questions and connect you with an HFX doctor.
Save “Nevro Care Team” as a contact in your phone. This way you won’t miss their call!
Thank you but I don’t need help…
You can simply search your zip code and find an HFX doctor near you here. -
Try HFX, before you decide
With a temporary device that is worn externally, you get to “test drive” HFX for 1 week.
The trial is an opportunity for you to evaluate your pain relief, improvements in your quality of life, and see if HFX helps meet your pain management goals.
Learn more about the trial: Spinal Cord Stimulator Trial: What You Need to Know.

How does HFX relieve chronic pain?
HFX is a small implant that pairs with a smartphone app. HFX works by quieting pain signals at the source, providing continuous relief day and night.
Join the more than 100,000 people who have found relief from chronic pain with HFX over the last 10 years.
Frequently asked questions
Yes! HFX is covered by all major insurance plans. HFX is covered nationwide by Medicare for all ages and all plan types, including Medicare Advantage.
Click here for more information about cost and insurance coverage.
HFX relieves chronic pain by quieting pain signals at the source, providing continuous relief day and night.
You can watch a short video that explains how HFX works here.
No, HFX is different from a TENS unit. A TENS unit works outside your body and uses a tingling sensation to mask pain. HFX is a small implant that works inside your body to quiet pain signals at the source, without the tingling sensation, letting you just feel continuous pain relief day and night.
Nearly 80% of people with chronic pain have found relief with HFX, even when other pain management treatment options like injections, pain medications, or back surgery didn’t work.1-2
Learn about why HFX is the most advanced device of its kind here.
Yes, HFX was approved by the FDA in 2015 to relieve chronic nerve pain.
It might be helpful to know the clinical study that earned FDA approval found HFX provides significantly better and longer-lasting pain relief than traditional spinal cord stimulators.1-2
No, HFX is a nondrug treatment option that offers significant pain relief from chronic nerve pain without the typical side effects that people commonly experience when taking medications like brain fog and drowsiness.
In most cases, at the time of your HFX consultation you can expect to pay your regular copay cost for a specialist visit. Make sure to check with your pain management provider on how they will apply your insurance benefits.
HFX is offered by pain management doctors nationwide. When your HFX Coach calls, they’ll help you find an HFX doctor near you.
Or if you prefer, you can find one near you here. Simply search your zip code and call any HFX doctor you see listed to schedule a consultation.
HFX doctors are pain management specialists who have been trained in the minimally invasive procedure to get HFX and are experienced with HFX.
Yes, with HFX you can safely have a full-body MRI scan.*
You can learn more about MRI and imaging compatibility here.
Yes, HFX has helped over 100,000 people worldwide find pain relief. HFX has been thoroughly studied and proven to be a safe approach for managing chronic pain. HFX has significantly fewer side effects than other treatment options, doesn’t involve major surgery, and it’s typically safer than other spine surgeries.2-6
Yes! Before you decide, you’ll be able to try HFX first for one week with a temporary external device to see if it’s right for you. 9 out of 10 people who try HFX, choose to move forward with the HFX implant.1
You can learn more about the trial week here.
You’ll try HFX first for one week with a temporary external device to see if it’s right for you. The trial procedure is outpatient, quick, very similar to an epidural injection, and doesn’t require any incisions.
If you decide to move forward after your trial week, implanting HFX is a quick, minimally invasive, and outpatient procedure with a short recovery period.
You can learn more about the procedure and recovery here.
HFX is designed to last at least 10 years. Once you and your doctor determine you’re ready for a new battery, your HFX implant is replaced during a simple outpatient procedure.
No, HFX is the only device of its kind that relieves chronic pain without a tingling sensation called paresthesia, letting you just feel pain relief.
Yes, click here to see people who suffered from chronic pain share their experiences with HFX.
Yes! Your dedicated HFX Coach is available to answer any questions you may have, connect you with a local HFX doctor, and provide you with ongoing support throughout the process.
You can call 1-844-331-1001 and leave a voicemail with the best phone number and time to reach you. Your HFX Coach will call you back at your requested time.
Not to worry! You can call 1-844-331-1001 and leave a voicemail with the best phone number and time to reach you. Your HFX Coach will call you back at your requested time.